Singapore ComiFest ~ It’s Show Time 2011

Singapore ComiFest 1 was held from the 5th -6th of March 2011 at Suntec Convention Center Level 3 Concourse.
Organized by Full House Marketing & Entertainment and TCZ Studio, supported by Comics Society (Singapore)

Singapore Comifest is an event whereby everyone has fun and of course talking about fun times ,
our local artists are one of the best at it as they were having a fun time demonstrating their skills of churning out
marvelous piece after piece of artwork for each single session of artist to the event participants and visitors.

Our event totally attracted more than 600 visitors for the 2 days event and brought in up exposure for our exhibitors,
attracted up to over 150 Cosplayers over the two day event.

Cosplayers were all having a good time posing for the photographers and their supporters alike in their
painstakingly made costume and with their props.

2011年与Full House Marketing & Entertainment合作主办的第1届新加坡动漫嘉年华


Games Section
In the event, we had included games for everyone to participate.
We are very honoured to have Kareshi Kanojyo No Mise (KKnM), GrandTech, Celsys and DreamWalker as the prizes sponsers .

Games such as drawing pura was one of the greatest hits over the past two days event and our event participants and visitors
just kept coming more and hoping to win the grand prize which was the Comic Studio Debut 4.0 !


And also, to test our event participants on their puzzle playing skills, there was a game of puzzle pura which in a limited time
requires our players to assemble the 37 pieces of puzzles containing a full picture of our official event mascot pura.
Synetics Services PTE LTD is the sponsor for Puzzle Pura.


Next up is our Artists’ ShowTime!Artists’ ShowTime allowed many talented artists to be exposed to the public.
Doujinshis community does not have the chances to see it often which is the of the mottos why Singapore Comifest was created – 
To allow a platform of exposure for our local ACG scene.

Mr JDC Amane from Association Of Comic Artists (Singapore)

Miss Sakura Lupina from Association Of Comic Artists (Singapore)

Mr Ye Zhen from
Singapore Horror Hip-Hop Comics

Miss Yeo Hui Xuan, 
author of DreamWalker

Miss Clio_DX from  
Comix Pandora
Miss Jia Zai from
Comix Pandora

Miss Makoto from Geminos

Miss Peggy from Geminos

Miss Sana from Alexiussana

Miss Kuso-Taisa from Meisters
Mr DevAntz from Ackworx

Lastly, our volunteers who helped us throughout the 2 days event.

Our official media partners had also done an event review for us.
We will like to thank you them for the hardwork and effort on Singapore ComiFest 1.
Do Check It Out their website for our event reviews
SGCAFE, Ani-Culture, POPCulture Online, Figure.FM