Singapore ComiFest We’re The Original

After 4 years, Singapore ComiFest is back to Suntec City Convention Center Level 3 Concourse,
having Fullhouse Communications as one of our organisers!

Video Credit : FUMhouse Productions

Coincidentally, Singapore ComiFest was on the same day as our country’s birthday, National Day!
This time, our slogan: “We’re The Original” is a reference to our artists, who are showcasing their original and unique artworks and crafts to the public.
A total of  23 booths during the event, which covered from original creations to merchandise and Cosplay!
Photo credit: Fringe & Film
Our traditional event highlight, the Artists’ Showtime, was given a new spin this year,
using digital media for the first time to showcase our artists’ talent to the public!
We truly appreciate the sponsor of tablet monitors by Huion!
Video of Dream Walker Comic Series creator Yeo Hui Xuan in action!
Video Credit: Huion
We are honoured to have Singapore’s very own Clive, and Onnies from Thailand as the Special Guest Cosplayers for our event!
Instead of Cosplay competition or runways, our Guest Cosplayers competed with the public at the TCZ Board Game,
taking on the roles of semi-boss and final boss. Event visitors were able to try their skill at 4 games developed from original Comics titles
by our local creators! Here’s a closer look at each game!
TCZ Board Game, a 6 m by 6 m square super sized board game with all the q-versions of Characters from The Celestial Zone,
developed by the original creator, veteran local comic artist, Mr. Wee Tian Beng. It is a twist on the familiar snake and ladder game, with each player having Life Points (HP), which depending on player’s luck on the dice, could be used up very fast indeed!
Photo credit: RJern’s Photos!

Next up, Dream Walker Cup Stacking Challenge- developed by local comic artist
Miss Yeo Hui Xuan and using Ken, a main character of her Dream Walker comic series as the game instructor to demonstrate game play. With the given time limit, players are to complete the procedure without fail!
Followed by Critter Catch! developed from local talent Rixou’s ongoing comic, Pandora’s Scar. The “Critters” in this game are objects printed with icons of characters. Within the time constrains, players have to pick out the correct icons from a tray.
In another first for ComiFest, our exhibitors also received stage time to showcase and explain their products to the visiting public.
 Even our guest is playing too!
And also not forgetting, our next local talent Clio.D ‘s Kevin Mix & Match. This is a concentration based game- Different expression of Kevin’s- from the comic strip series Kevin and other suspicious characters- are displayed as flash cards. Players are to keep in mind the cards which are opened and match the correct pair.
Our Guest Cosplayer Onnies was invited to the stage for Q&A on Saturday, and on Sunday she did a performance, delighting her fans and event visitors!
We also have talents who showcased their singing and dancing, keeping up the liveliness and energy of the event throughout the 2 days duration. Towards the end of each day’s performance, the stage was opened for the public to show off their talents too!

Our movie sponsor Odex brought in new movie titles- including premiere movies – for the public to enjoy!

We are truly glad as well to have Thrones High Café with us again.
This time, in addition to interacting with the café’s Maids and Butlers,
visitors also have the option to book for lunch dates with Special Guest
Cosplayers Clive and Onnies!

Not forgetting our media partners too!
This time, we have POPCulture Online as our official media partner; followed by a host of more supporting media partners.
We truly appreciate their hard work and reports for our event!

Towards the end of the second day’s event, we had a lucky draw by merchandise retailer Otakutachi, with Onnies presenting the prizes!





Last but not least, a group photo of artists and exhibitors!
(Unfortunately some of the artists and exhibitors couldn’t join in, as they were still busy attending to customers at the time! ^^;)

We truly appreciate everyone’s patronage and support, and hope you all had a great time at the event!

Exhibitor List
  • 01. TCZ Studio
  • 02. Dream Walker (Artist Showtime)
  • 03. Comix Pandora (Artist Showtime- Clio.D)
  • 04. Mecha Boy
  • 05. Rixou ‘s space (Artist Showtime)
  • 06. Ink Fusion Studios
  • 07. Onnies Booth
  • 08. Miscellaneous
  • 09. Mew Arrow
  • 10. Nightingale (Artist Showtime)
  • 11. PurrBalls
  • 12. Jujocraft
  • 13. Daiyaku
  • 14. Sunny Day Concept (Artist Showtime-Clio Hui)
  • 15. Cats Are Tiny Studios
  • 16. Sakura Hikari (Artist Showtime)
  • 17. Otakutachi
  • 18. Huion (Artist Showtime Digital tablet sponsor)
  • 19. Pan-in-The-Box
  • 20. Odex (Movie sponsor)
  • 21. Thrones High Café
  • 22. Poh Kim
  • 23. Canpix photobooth